
10 Easy Tricks to Get Rid of Acne

How to get rid of acne ilustration

One of the best things about being 14 is that you know, one day, you’ll be an adult. You’ll be able to drive. You’ll be able to buy beer. You’ll stop getting zits.

The joke was on you

Sure, those first two turned out to be true, but acne? It can haunt you for life. In fact, Dr. Michael Lin, a Beverly Hills, California-based dermatologist and founder of Dr. Lin Skincare, says blemish flare-ups are very common among adults. "It’s a myth that only teenagers get acne,” he says.

Of course, as a teenager, a pimple was a cause for tears, but you’re a grown-up now. Instead of calling in sick from work, just follow these tips for clear skin in no time.

Text more often

This might annoy your mom, but using your fingers to chat could save your skin. Just think of all those oils, all that bacteria and all those germs on your iPhone. When you hold it up to your face, it’s a little like rubbing your cheek on a New York City sidewalk. {Shudder.} When you need to talk, wipe your phone with a cleansing wipe or go hands-free.

Change your sheets

A U.K. survey found that on average single men only change their sheets four times a year. And while we certainly hope you are swapping out your linens much more frequently, dirty pillowcases can lead to clogged pores. Nasty as is sounds, bacteria can build up on your bed and your face rubs around on it for a good eight hours a night. Well, that just can’t be good. If your skin is oily, change those sheets (or at least your pillowcases) twice a week. It might be a pain, but isn’t a clear complexion worth it?

Don’t wait until bed to wash up

“Sweat and makeup are two of the most preventable culprits behind breakouts,” Lin says. “A clogged comedone can result in blackheads, whiteheads and acne. These types of breakouts can be prevented by wiping away sweat after a workout or makeup when you get home instead of waiting to wash your face before bed.”

Break out the Champagne

Not that you needed an excuse to pop open a bottle of bubbly, but if a pimple should threaten to ruin your evening out, reach for the Champagne. Its tartaric acid (found in grapes) is said to not only ease acne, but also to contain anti-aging properties. So, soak up a cotton pad with your champs, and apply it to the infected area (it won’t hurt to rub it on your whole face, either). High-class problems? We’ll drink to that!

Raid your refrigerator 

Lin says he recommends applying egg whites directly to a pimple to shrink a breakout. “The protein in the egg will help dry out the pimple,” he says. “You can also apply honey to a breakout to calm redness. Honey is a naturally soothing ingredient with anti-inflammatory properties that helps heal the skin. Leave it on for five to 10 minutes, then wipe away with a damp cloth.”

Another food to try: lemons

They’re not just for squeezing over pasta, chicken or vodka sodas anymore. Apply lemon juice via a cotton ball to the infected area before you go to sleep. In the morning, wash your face as normal. The citric-acid properties of the fruit will have helped calm the inflammation.

Take two aspirin and call us in the morning

It can cure a headache, help with heart disease and zap zits? We love you, aspirin. The salicylic acid in the little white pills can help treat acne. Whip up a mask by crushing up some pills with a few drops of water and honey, apply to your blemish, and, after 10 minutes or so, wash it off.

Quit using all those styling products 

Sure, your tresses look terrific, but that gel, pomade or hairspray you’re using might be the reason all those blemishes are popping up around your hairline. Do your best to cover up your skin when you’re primping and don’t be afraid to wash your face after doing your hair to get rid of any pore-clogging residue.

Put your makeup tools to new use

When using benzoyl peroxide, instead of dabbing it on with your finger or a cotton swab, use a dedicated eyeliner brush to apply to the spot alone. This will prevent flaking and over-drying the surrounding skin.
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